Most Wanted


 Elusive People

Christian Gerber

This is the only photograph I have of Christian Gerber. I would appreciate if you could mail or email a better copy to me. Das ist die einzige Fotographie, die ich von Christian Gerber habe. Ich würde schätzen, wenn jemand einer besseren Kopie zu mir per Email schicken würde.
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Christian Gerber and Anna Fankhauser

I have very little information of Christian Gerber and his first wive, Anna Fankhauser. I do not know anything about their children. I would appreciate any information you can give me. Ich habe sehr wenig Information von Christian Gerber und seinem ersten Frau, Anna Fankhauser. Ich weiß nichts über ihre Kinder. Ich würde jede Information schätzen, die Sie mir geben können.
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George Gerber Family

I have very little information on the George Gerber family who came out of Kansas and moved to the Phoenix, AZ area. He was the son of Fred Gerber and Emma Heinen. For that matter, I have very little information regarding Fred and Emma.
Tell us what you know     |     More information: George W Gerber
Hilka Garrels

I know very little about Hilka or where she came from in Germany.
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Hilka Theodorus Garrels
Gesina Scherff

I don't know exactly where Gesina Scherff came from in Germany other than she came from the region of Hannover. This is also the only photograph I have of her.
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Carl Feucht, Father Johann and Mother Margarethe Jacobine Christine

I have NO photographs of this family. Also, I know very little about the Schambach family other than many of them settled in the Chicago area. More information is welcomed.
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Carl Albrecht Feucht
Pauline Knobloch, father Wilhelm Martin and mother Christine Friederike Nester

I have NO photographs of this family.
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Pauline Christine Knobloch
John Adam and Elizabeth Kummer

John Adam and his wife are difficult to track. I believe they lived in Forrest, IL, for a while but I don't know exactly where she came from.
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Ulrich Blaser and Magdelea Schenk

Ulrich Blaser and his wife, Magalena Schenk are the parents of Anna Blaser. I would love to have a better picture of Anna, preferably at a younger age, as well as more information regarding her parents.
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Karl Gerber (often known as Charles or Charlie in the USA)

Karl was born 13 April 1859 near Schangnau, Canton Bern, Switzerland. His parents were Samuel Gerber and Maria Elizabetha Mathys. He immigrated to the USA aboard L?Amerique arriving in New York 28 March, 1883. He may have gone to Missouri or Ohio. He was included, with his father Samuel and brother Johan Ernst, in the 1900 census in McHenry County, North Dakota. Nothing further is known about him. Carrol Burkard made this inquiry.
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Wilhelm Ulrich Gerber (known as William or Bill)

Wilhelm was born 23 November 1861 near Schangnau, Canton Bern, Switzerland. His parents were Samuel Gerber and Maria Elizabetha Mathys. He immigrated to the USA aboard L?Amerique arriving in New York 19 April, 1882. A record of a marriage of a William Gerber and a Mollie Lehman on 22 August, 1889 in Moniteau County, Missouri has been found but it is not certain if this is the Wilhelm, son of Samuel. This inquiry was made by Carrol Burkard.
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Maria Anna Gerber (probably known as Mary or Marie or even Anna).

Maria was born 11 or 12 October 1868 near Bern, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Her parents were Samuel Gerber and Maria Elizabetha Mathys. She immigrated to the USA aboard L?Amerique arriving in New York on 28 November 1883 along with her parents and brother Johan Ernst. They settled near California, Moniteau County, Missouri. There apparently is no record of her marriage or death in Moniteau County, Missouri. No further information has been found to date. This inquiry was made by Carrol Burkard.
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Maria Anna Gerber

 Mystery Photos

Unknown House

Can you name this house? It was where Christian Gerber, father of Ernest and Friedrich, lived.
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Gerber, Christian and Ernst House    
Unknown Spiecher

The Spiecher is in front of the unknown house in the Myster Photos area of our website. It may help us determine the name of the house.
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Gerber, Christian and Ernst Speicher    
Photograph of unknown persons at Vorder Giebel

Can you name any of these individuals?
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Giebel Photograph