Christian Gerber

Male Abt 1763 - 1849  (86 years)



Vorder Giebel Painting

Painting of Vorder Giebel "Gibel". It was commissioned by Christian Gerber (I0018). Here are emailed notes from Peter Gerber (I0044) with corrections:

I think I sent you a foto of a painting of the Gibel-farm by Otto Siegentaler (attached again)

When I fotographed that painting, I thought the painter made the "Spycher" much too big.....see photo of yesterday from about the same place.

Yesterday I asked John at Gibel about that. We showed him the painting (Marianne brought it with her), he was rather touched and told us, that he remebered the production of the painting. It was a brother of Ruedi Gerber, Christian Gerber from Reinach (I0018) who ordered the painting from a painter living in Reinach. The painter went to Gibel after the second world war (John doesn't remember the year, between 1945 and 1950) and made a first painting. The Spycher then was indeed much larger than now, about 3 meters larger at the right and the left and with another front. The roof was shingled ("Schindeln" in German), but damaged and the tiles to make it anew were stocked nearby. The painter painted also the stocks of tiles.....which didn't please Ruedi. So Ruedi asked the painter to leave away the stocked tiles....the painter then made at home three copies of the painting, one for Fritz, one for Christian and the third for a child of Christian. We don't know, where the other two copies and the first painting are now, certainly not at Gibel.

John was rather touched looking at the painting and even remembered the trees painted (and what fruit they had, they are now no longer there). The "Spycher" has been made smaller since then, the wood for the enlargement was rather damaged from the "Hausbock" (an insect making holes in the wood).

Owner of originalPeter Gerber
File nameDSCN6669.JPG
File Size2.3m
Dimensions3072 x 2304
Linked toChristian Gerber; Christian Gerber; Christian Gerber; Fritz Gerber; Michel Gerber; Niklaus Gerber; Niklaus Gerber; Ulrich Gerber; Anna Roethlisberger