Welcome to our website.
This website focuses on the Gerber family from Langnau, but it includes many more surnames from the Emmental Valley area of Switzerland. Also, it includes other ancestors of the website's founder, Tim Gerber.
Feel free to search our database of more than 12,000 individuals. Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask us questions. We don't normally have a lot of time to help others research, but we will help when time permits.
We do recommend that you apply for a user account in order to take advantage of the entire site. Please note that for privacy reasons, information pertaining to living individuals is not made public even to those who have an account.
Finally, consider adding your information to our site. If you use genealogy software, you can create a Gedcom file, and we can import you into the database. That way others can help assist you in our research. We do give credit to all contributors on all of the information they provide.