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 #   Notes   Linked to 
801 [schlotfeldt.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #3710, Date of Import: Jan 30, 2001]

Dayle was a school teacher in the early 30s. She also got her beauty
operator licence in Scott County Iowa (State Lic.) on July 31, 1931 which
also was the birthdate of her nephew, Fay Ernest Schlotfeldt. Dayle
operated a multi-operator shop in downtown Davenport for years, and
out of her home till she was in her 70s. She was a wonderful, warm
person who kept a spotless home. She was artistic and a great user
of color. She and Bob Townsley divorced shortly before Bob retired
from the Rock Island Arsenal. "Major Bob" married a younger woman
from the arsenal shortly thereafter and took his houseboat to Florida.
He died not too many years after that of cancer.

Fay remembers her fondly as one of his "2nd mothers" after his
dad, Ernie died. She was mildly intrested in geneaology and left
fay a number of notes. 
Schlotfeldt, Dehla Katherine (I0642)
802 [schlotfeldt.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #3710, Date of Import: Jan 30, 2001]

Hans owned the Denker Hotel & Saloon in Eldridge, Iowa. Pictures
and articles of these landmarks are featured in the Eldridge Centennial
book. The original hotel went down in the tornado and was rebuilt
in 1908. The whole family worked in the facility. Bill & Ray worked
as bartenders when they were old enough. Mae (Amanda) was a great
cook and learned the art when preparing their family style meals.
The hotel was still operating as a family style resturant in the late 1940s.
It was still there in 1986 when grandson Fay Schlotfeldt delivered some
old photos to the Wiese family who had put togeather the Centennial book.
The depression and relocation of a highway, which the townsfolk didn't
want close to town, caused sale of the business in about 1929. (After the
crash). Hans lived with his youngest daughter Selma and husband
Ernest at 310 E. 15th St, Davenport at the time of his death at age 73 (May '34). He enjoyed pulling Grandson Fay in his wagon or on his sled. Fay
remembers sitting on the living room floor playing with blocks and seeing
his granddad fall while shoveling a skiff of snow off the front porch. He
called his dad who ran out to help him. Hans died of the result of a stroke. 
Denker, Hans Asmus (I0538)
803 [schlotfeldt.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #3710, Date of Import: Jan 30, 2001]

Lenora is the originator of the famous Schlotfeldt family will. It was
probated in 1971. Fay Ernest Schlotfeldt of Rio Verde, Arizona has
a copy of the will (and is included in it.) Fay remembers Lenora from
his grade school days in Davenport, Iowa. After his father Ernest died,
his mother, Selma, eventually decided to buy a house near Lenora's
that had a beauty shop in it. This was on the advice of the family
attorney. He also suggested Lenora make Selma the loan as a
good investment. Before Lenora would do it. "I had to get all dressed-up
and go with Mom to get Lenora's approval. I got a lot of questions, but
was on my best decorum. Later, as I walked home from school, Lenora
would peek out the window at me, and if she didn't think I was properly
dressed, she would call Mom. I learned to take a different route if
I wasn't sure I would pass muster."
"My aunts, Leone Schlotfeldt Kruse, and Adela "Dayle" Schlotfeldt
Townsley, were the ones who really pushed that will. The attorney's
thought there weren't any Schlotfeldt's left around. It kind of became
a family joke that it was going to cost more attorney fees than anyone
would get. Rumor was they had to sell a farm to pay them. Don't know
if that was true, but we sure didn't get much out of it. 
Hagedorn, Lenora (I0628)
804 [schlotfeldt.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #3710, Date of Import: Jan 30, 2001]

Little is known about Hans Henry's parents or siblings. We are quite
sure that both lived in Schleswig Holstein Province of Germany, and
Lippe Detmold is mentioned in notes. Fay Schlotfeldt has written to
two Detlef Schlotfeldts in Germany to inquire if there is any information
regarding parentage or siblings. One Detlef is in Detmold.

Fay Schotfeldt:
Klein Flintbek, Germany Farmhouse and Barn (139 KB)
BIRTHPLACE OF HANS HENRY SCHLOTFELDT in 1808 AND HIS FATHER IN 1774. These photos were taken by Jim Schlotfeldt in August of 1999. The current owner led Jim to a spot beside a machine building where he scraped away some soil and exposed a stone engraved with the name and birthdate of Hans Henry's father. We then knew for sure this was the homesite. Fay Schlotfeldt had earlier sent copies of church records to Otto Schlotfeldt of Bordesholm Germany and Hans-Hinrich Schlotfeldt of Flintbek. Those records enabled Hans-Hinrich and his family to lead Jim to this place as well as the family farm in Klein Barkau where Hans & Catherine lived before coming to the U.S. (1835, 40 & 45 census) They are all thatched roofed even today and are tapered inward to help shield the siding from rain.

Hans Henry Schlotfeldt and Catherine Margaret (Stoltenberg) Schlotfeldt came to Iowa from Germany with their son Detlaf Hans and his wife Anna Christina (Reese) in 1851. The latter were accompanied by their infant children Fredrick Jacob (18 months) and Anna Magdalena (6 months).

Other children of Hans Henry (Klaus and Margaret) came separately in 1856.

The home which they built (apparently in 1859 or 1860) was occupied by all three generations.

The second youngest child of Detlaf Hans was Alfred whose wife, Laura Annie (Jurgens) came as a bride to live in this same house. Four of their children were born in the house which they occupied until around the turn of the century. Celia Dooley, who provided all this information, was a daughter of Alfred and Laura.

The youngest child of Detlaf Hans was Hans Detlaf, my grandfather.

When the house was purchased by Martin Curtes some years ago, it was in very bad condition. As of 1985 a young carpenter and his wife were occupying the house, which he was restoring. He saved some stones from the barn and formed a flower bed around a tree as shown in the picture. A childhood home of Buffalo Bill Cody (now an historical site) is one mile to east and about a quarter mile north. Martin Curtes, the owner of the house, lives on a farm in the vicinity of the Cody place.

For the record, here are directions to the house and cemetery. From Davenport, proceed north on Highway 61 to Exit F61 (Long Grove and Parkview). Follow the signs to Scott County Park. Continue east past the Park for three miles to a "T" in the road. Turn left and go 0.7 mile to the house on the right.

To find the cemetery you would go east past the Park for 1.2 miles, the left for 1.5 miles.

From Richard D. Schlotfeldt Homepage:
A few miles east-northeast of Itzehoe there is a small farming village called Schlotfeld (without a trailing 't'). Here is a map of the village.

If you would like to see a map of the area, click here, select "Interactive Atlas", and specify city=Schlotfeld and country=Germany. Then zoom in as far as you like.

There is a single road which passes through the village. Approaching from the south, we noticed a sign announcing the name of the village and its tiny population. Then, as the road wound between farms, we noticed a small stream in the fields to the left, passing under the road and meandering through the fields to the right. The center of the village was occupied by a few farm buildings clustered together on both sides of the road. As we approached, we noticed a memorial next to the road on the right side. Just past the memorial and behind it we found the Burgermeister's farm. We noticed Herr Ahmling (who was probably in his 60's or so) doing something at the side of the dirt road or driveway leading from the main road to his house and barn. I approached and told him I was an American (at which point I saw an unpleasant look come over his face) and then immediately told him my name. Upon hearing my name his face lit up and he became very friendly. He invited Margaret and me into his house and talked with us for quite a while, entirely in German.

He told us about three important things in the village: the stream, the memorial and the Linden tree. The village is as old as the 800 year old Linden tree next to his driveway. The tree seems to be a matter of particular pride.

The memorial remembers the residents of the village who died in both World Wars. I did not inquire further about this subject.

The stream is the origin of the name Schlotfeld. The stream is quite small. Translating "schlot" into modern German, he chose the word "Graben".

Putting this on paper, he wrote:

Schlotfeld = (herkunft des Namens) = Schlot = graben
Feld = feld

According to Herr Ahmling the village name has always been spelled without the trailing 't'. I have doubts about that, however, because I believe that 'feld' is a more modern spelling of 'feldt', meaning 'field'. As for "Schlot", that is a Plattdeutsch word equivalent to the modern 'Graben', which means ditch. The ditch is the stream which passes through the field. Hence, our name means something like "Stream field" or "Ditch field" or "Creek field".

Herr Ahmling is not aware of any Schlotfeldts having lived in the village. This is not surprising because people adopted the name of their former village after moving to another place. A village name is simply not useful as a surname for people who still live in the village. Our association with this particular village is tentative and may be only a coincidence but since there is no other village by this name in Germany I believe it is a good hypothesis. Herr Ahmling suggested contacting the archivist or historian at Itzehoe for further information.

The address he gave us for the archivist is:

Kreis Steinburg
2211 Itzehoe
Abt.: Chronik
z.Hd. von Herrn Neumann, Archivar

Herr Ahmling's address was:
Wilhelm Ahmling
Dorfstrasse 42a
2211 Schlotfeld

I should also mention that Herr Ahmling also told us with some pride
that "Wir haben hier auch ein Hof" and directed us to Breitenburg, residence of
the Graf zu Rantzau. This was located several miles southeast of Schlotfeld.
Upon our arrival we found a horse show in progress. We approached the table
where some folks were selling tickets. As soon as I introduced myself
they directed us toward the Hof. This is a rather large
residence, though less impressive than a traditonal castle. Unfortunately
no tours were scheduled for the day we visited.

If our name were spelled "Schlottfeldt" it would be High German
rather than Plattdeutsch and would mean "castle
field". Maybe we should change the spelling?

Our cousin, Ilene Schlotfeldt, received the following information from
Sven Mahmens, Inspector of Archives, Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein,
written on October 15, 1990:

"The village Schlotfeld in the county of Steinburg (Address
Gemeindeverwaltung, D 2214 Schlotfeld) was named 'slotvelt' for
the first time in 1303. The name means: 'Feld am Graben'; so
your family took the name most likely from the village, not the
other way around."

This makes me wonder when the spelling changed? And did the name
of the village have a final 't' at one time? If so, that would
provide a clue as to the date when our name first was used
as a family surname.

Notice, also, the similarity to the recent report from Gisele and
Walter Schlotfeldt that "We only know that it comes from the
Denmark of the
Thirty Years War and at first was Slotueld."

The Thirty Years War lasted from 1618 to 1648. 
Schlotfeldt, Hans Henry (I0606)
805 [schlotfeldt.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #3710, Date of Import: Jan 30, 2001]

News article source for much Sievert data was a Scott County (IA) History,
published by Inter-State Pub. Co. Chicago 1882 pg 909.(Dprt Publ Libr.)

Possibly a cousin of Heinrich F. Sievert re this article:

ADAM Siefert; b. 5-24-1819 - Dukedom of Hertzog, Germany
d. 1-3-1897 - Davenport, Iowa (City Cemetary)
"Orphaned in Germany at Age 9. Emigrated to US 1853."
(Fay's note from a typed note quoting this article says
Ship: Minerva.)
"Came to D'port via Pittsburg, and started buying grain
for others and eventually became a grain dealer in Dport
Married in 1842 to:
b. 1820 to 8-23-1899. Davenport City Cemetary.

Article says Minnies parents came to Davenport in 1848.
Father died in 1873. From an 1882 D'port news article there
were 9 children of Adam and Minne Law Sievert. Two were living in 1882
Henry W. and Minnie (Mrs. William Bolte, D'port. (Henry W. owned a
butcher shop in Davenport, at 4th and Marquette Streets in 1882. Fay
Schlotfeldt recalls his mother taking him to that store when he was very
small (and didn't like the smell)...and his mother and aunt commenting
that it wasn't very close to home, but thought we should go there once
in a while because it was owned by a relative. 
Sievert, Unknown (I0583)
806 [schlotfeldt.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #3710, Date of Import: Jan 30, 2001]

Ottie was a WW1 veteran. Buried at The Rock Island Arsenal Cemetary (Ilinois). He recalled that when he was a mule team handler in France,
he had a mule killed right next to him but he wasn't hurt.
Fay Ernest Schlotfeldt recalls that when Uncle Ottie took him up in
the loft of the barn in Gambrel, he had tobacco leaves drying up there.
Fay was very small and the ladder was vertical. He needed a little
encouragement from Ottie to get there. Boy, were his mom, Selma,
Aunt Dayle and Grandma Alvina unhappy with Ottie. Ottie gave Fay his
Gas Mask and helmut from the war. Fay later gave the Gas Mask to
the Marine Corps Museum in Washington.

Ottie loved to fish and hunt. He was a really friendly guy and
spent a lot of time with his boat around McCausland and Fairyland Park
on the Wapsipinnicon (Wapsi) River. He was a carpenter. 
Schlotfeldt, Adolph Henry "Ottie" (I0630)
807 [schlotfeldt.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #3710, Date of Import: Jan 30, 2001]

Resident of Rost Township, Minn for 44 years. Stricken with Pneumonia and
heart trouble.
Came to America when 16 years old and settled in Davenport, Iowa where
he worked on a farm. Started farming for himself and remained there till
1882, when he moved to Holstein, Iowa until 1893. Moved from there to
Jackson County, Minn. in 1893, purchasing a farm in Sec. 34, Rost Twp.
Added land through hard work and good mgm't until he had 813 acres of
good rich soil.
Retired in 1917 and moved to Lakefield for the 20 years prior to his
death. Director of School Board, Farmers Co-op Elev. Co. . Very successful
and deep thinker. Pall bearers were eight sons, William, John, Herman, Louie, Helmuth, Ferdinand, Reinhardt and Harry.
Notes: Holstein is in Ida County, Iowa and the Co-op was a dairy co-op. 
Tordsen, Peter (I0662)
808 [schlotfeldt.FTW]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 6, Ed. 1, Tree #3710, Date of Import: Jan 30, 2001]

The story is that Jochim went to the Gold Rush. Another that he went
back to Germany and fell overboard (but his death certificate was found
by Celia Dooley. Suspect he just took off. Some of this family is
buried in City Cemetary in Davenport. (Fay S. note from Leone Kruse
comments and notes.)

Applied initially to sail on March 1852 to America, but permission was denied. He was a farmer. 
Schlotfeldt, Jochim Fredrich (I0609)

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